What can I do about SENSITIVITY?

Many people have sensitive teeth and it is common for us to hear of patients that are sensitive to hot, cold, sweet or very acidic foods/drinks, or when breathing in cold air. We can help alleviate this! Here are some ways we can help:

  • Recommending a low abrasion toothpaste that helps decrease sensitivity.
  • Recommending prescription strength brush on Fluoride toothpaste that is specifically made to help sensitivity and prevent decay.
  • Applying a topical fluoride varnish after a cleaning.
  • Applying a light cured coating to sensitive specific areas for immediate relief.

Why do I need FLUORIDE?

Professionally applied topical fluoride is recommended in our office to prevent decay and help alleviate sensitivity to all ages.
Fluoride varnish is applied to your teeth after we clean and polish them. The fluoride treatment acts as a barrier against demineralization and provides protection. It also helps to repair already demineralized enamel. This procedure is beneficial to both adults and children.

What is the difference between a CLEANING/PROPHY and a PERIODONTAL MAINTENANCE?

A regular cleaning, also known as a prophylaxis in dental terms, is the removal of plaque, calculus (tartar) and stain from teeth and is recommended for individuals with healthy teeth and gum tissues.

If you have periodontal (gum) disease, you may require scaling and root planing procedures to remove bacteria and their toxins and deposits from your teeth. Scraping or scaling the full length of the root to where the root, gum and bone meet is necessary to get the disease process under control. After this, a regular cleaning is no longer appropriate and you will likely require ongoing gum and bone care procedures, also known as periodontal maintenance to keep your teeth and gums stable. Left untreated, bone loss and recession can continue to progress, which could lead to the loss of teeth and/or more extensive gum treatment, including gum/bone surgery.


An abscessed tooth is an infection, within the soft gum tissue.  An abscess can be pus or swelling of the soft tissue.  Causes of an abscessed tooth are decay or trauma to the tooth.  Abscessed teeth can be very painful due to the pressure that builds up around that area.  The only option of saving an abscessed tooth is a root canal.  If you have suspect any of these issues contact your dentist.


A root canal treatment is removing the nerve inside the root of the tooth.  There are many reasons why patients would need a root canal, decay has gone into the nerve, breaking a tooth that exposes the nerve, or sometime from our daily wear and tear on our teeth the nerve just goes bad.  After having a root canal the tooth still looks the same and is function like a normal tooth it just has no feeling.  A root canal treatment is relativity pain free and patients feel relief after the treatment is finished.